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City of Tshwane | DA-ANC engaging on stability agreement?

Avbob Investment Plan
PRETORIA – While the ANC has tabled a third motion of no confidence against the Tshwane mayor, the Democratic Alliance has approached the party proposing a stability agreement.
If the parties see eye-to-eye, the agreement will see both parties not bringing motions of no confidence against their leaders nationally.
This comes as the ANC in Gauteng continues to engage other parties on ousting Tshwane mayor, Cilliers Brink, who leads a DA-led coalition.
WATCH: ANC in Tshwane tables third motion of no confidence against Cilliers Brink
The potential kingmaker in Tshwane is ActionSA, who are still currently coalition partners with the DA.
The DA says ActionSA has ignored its written ultimatum to recommit or exit the governing coalition.
ActionSA says it will communicate its position on Saturday at an Imbizo in Pretoria.
